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I think we all understand that shop assistants are there to sell us a product and not necessarily look out for our best interests. What they do is show us what’s in store but they’re not going to suggest a competitor or brand they don’t stock, even though it might be a more suitable match. Also, you might have noticed that there aren’t that many 45+ sales assistants in beauty land so it’s hard for them to fully comprehend ageing skin and wrinkles and changes in skin during peri-menopause and menopause. I take a minimalist approach to beauty and prefer a few hard-working products over a plethora of products. I also believe in a holistic approach to beauty and know what I eat (and don't eat) has a lot to do with how my skin, hair and nails are behaving. However, my dry skin and fine hair needs TLC, strategic products and a well thought-out routine.

Finally, I’m not paid to endorse these products, I only recommend products I believe in and know that work. If any of my content is in partnership with a beauty client I’ll tell you - full transparency here! And I will only work with sponsors to promote products that I have personally tried and loved. If I don’t love it and believe it works for women 45+  I just won’t recommend it.


Helping women navigate the often tricky world of beauty - especially as we age - brings me so much joy. I am a 53-year-old mum of two girls (14 and 20) who has been writing about all things lifestyle for more than 25 years on magazines including New Idea, Who, InStyle, TV Week and New Weekly. I’ve interviewed the world’s top celebrity makeup artists, skincare specialists and hairstylists and I love sharing this knowledge to help women become a more beautiful version of themselves. Here you can read about insider knowledge, tips, tricks and the secrets to ageing (naturally) with confidence. Find out what beauty products really work and what ones aren’t worth your time or money. You might be surprised . . .(hint: it’s not always about how much you spend)


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